Choosing Destinations in Europe

Europe… everyone dreams of traveling around Europe. Choosing destinations in Europe to travel to can be overwhelming if you haven’t been to many countries. For our first time traveling to Europe together, many questions ran through our heads. There are so many countries to explore, how do you choose where to go when you have a limited amount of time? Which country (or countries) work well together? Where should we go together?

Here is how we decided on our European travel destinations. We both came up with a list of places that we would like to explore. Miro chose his top choice and Lauren chose hers. It was that simple. You only live once right, so why not start knocking off those places on your bucket list?

Where did we eventually come up with? Poland and Italy. People often told us that these two countries were a strange combination to travel to. All we learned from this is that if you want to travel somewhere, then make it happen. No matter how different the places might be. It helps that everywhere in Europe is fairly easy to travel to from destination to destination. So, we decided not to focus so much on the combination of locations, and rather focus on going to places that we both really wanted to travel to.

See our itineraries for Poland and Italy.

Krakow, Poland    Monterosso, Cinque Terre, Italy



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